Why Battlestar Galatica is NOT a good show.
It’s a bad soap opera.
I don’t know why I do this to myself. I just finished watching Battlestar Galatica
for the second time. The first time was
about the time season 3 was out on TV, and now I wanted to re-watch it with my
wife. I blame ALL of this on the writing
of the show. I’m not going to bash the
actors or crew, it’s the writing that is to blame here.
- I hate Gaius Baltar. I mean seriously hate. One thing is to make a character that is flawed, or even a villain, which he could very well be, but COME ON! I mean, after 4 seasons, he is the same guy and just so freaking horrible. Yeah he goes from scientist to President to Cylon guy to religious guy but he’s still a guy whorin’ it up and coward. Part of this goes to #2
- The same stinking scenes… YES we GET IT. Gaius gets it on with the blonde Cylon in his head! Caprica 6 is probably the most annoying character on the show. Literally for seasons all this poor actress did was kiss and perform love scenes with Baltar. It got boring after episode 3. The show continued ad nauseam to show his “relationship” with her.
- It’s not science fiction. I don’t know what the theme of this show was, religion, faith, God, all that yeah, but there was no science fiction in it. It’s a soap opera in space, straight up. Did we understand anything that was going on? Did the writers attempt to explain anything? The fact that the Cylons were just like humans, that they weren’t mechanical, had feelings, abused each other, were petty and acted “human” in every way was just boring, and half of it made no sense.
- Characters did not do the logical things. Why on earth would you EVER trust the Cylons?? They completed destroyed your planet. They are forever on your “poop list” and I can’t figure out how/why a baby or whatever would make them think otherwise. They start trusting these machines and to me it made no blooming sense. Why wasn’t Blater like executed like 8 times? Why didn’t they kill/destroy the cylons that they found out? Because she was in a romantic relationship with a crew member? Makes no sense. You don’t risk a ship full of people because someone “loves” them or is kidnapped. And why didn’t someone just shoot Baltar in the head? Like a million times. I felt that the writers made the characters do Illogical actions only to keep the characters/actors around for the show. A show like this if written where people acted with some sense of reality would have about half the cast, because they would have been strung up.
- The use of sex and booze. Seriously, you might not have seen nudity, but there is more sex and drunkenness than ANY show ever made. I bet if you added Sopranos and Days of Our Lives you still wouldn’t get as much. And it’s all around too, humans, Cylons, they all are getting sexual, Baltar I think sleeps with everyone but the old President Lady and Starbuck sleeps with everyone but the Admiral. We have a drunken scene every other episode (no joke) and yeah, I get it, but man does it go over-board.
- The Final Five. All this “mystery” or who the final cylons is just a gimic, it means nothing, has some sort of convoluted religious theme to it, them being Gods and it makes no sense. I seriously don’t think that any of this was thought out prior to building the show. There’s all these other characters that have these moments or powers, we have no idea what’s going on or their connection, it’s like Lord of the Rings, magical and not science fiction. The whole Starbuck coming back from the dead and all of that was a waste and took so long to pay off it didn’t matter by then.
Okay, that’s it for now.
If you haven’t watched it, do
yourself a favor, don’t bother. Go watch
ST:DS9 or B5.